Don’t shoot the messenger!
Here are some helpful links if you want to know more about veganism.
Only if you want to – its your personal choice!
Here are a few links to some information about veganism
Earthlings the Movie – thinking about going vegan but just need a little push? Many people only make it through the first 10 minutes of this repulsive movie about the repulsive reality of how our race treats our fellow Earthlings. Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix.
Dominion – like Earthlings only newer and made in Australia. So if you’re Australian and want to say “well, that kind of cruelty could never happen HERE!” .. sorry, xenophobia is an awesome excuse but not really excusable. Narrated by Joacquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara and Sia. Can you guess what trait these three brilliant artists have in common?
Seriously, Joaquin Phoenix must be really sick of watching this shit. Making “Joker” would have been a Disney movie by comparison. Hakuna matata!
How to go vegan – a few tips from the original Vegan Society. They invented the word (in 1944) so I guess they should have a say..
Nutrition tips for new vegans – Jack Norris from Vegan Outreach is so passionate about helping people become vegan that he went back to uni and got a degree in Nutrition. His helpful tips are helpful and entirely scientific. Praise be to science..
Animal Justice Party – a voice for animals in Australian Politics. We (yes I’m a member – and former National-bloody-Secretary) currently have three elected MPs in Australia. Two in NSW; Mark Pearson and Emma Hurst and one in Victoria, Andy Meddick. All three should be Australia’s Prime Minister right now. Am I showing my Scomo-phobia?
Animal Liberation a book by the world’s most influential living philosopher Peter Singer. The original and still awesome in its 4th edition, over 40 years later.
World Peace Diet by Dr Will Tuttle is a must-read: one of the most powerful and revolutionary books every written. I wrote his favourite song, by the way!
Farplace Animal Rescue – a wonderful animal sanctuary in England and commissioner of Vegan Smythe songs. This kind of behaviour is to be encouraged.