VEGAN SMYTHE – news and events

Adelaide Fringe 2020
OK – here’s my main news of the last 3 years. I finally bit the bullet and put together a Fringe show. This was actually the original idea of the Vegan Smythe project, but I got side-stepped somehow. My original show concept in 2012 was called “Vegan Smythe – Superstar!”. My new show is called DON’T SHOOT! – I’m a vegan. You’ll love it. I premied the show at the 2020 Adelaide Fringe to four and five star reviews in the mainstream media. Hope to be taking this show to the world once this bloody virus is whipped into submission.
Social Media
“What happened to your Facebook page?” she asked desperately. “You used to post 3 times a day .. now .. nothing!!”
Yes its true, my FB days are over for the time being. I enjoyed the many interactions I had and was humbled by reports of people who’d made life changes as a result of my work. However, FB just started taking over my life! Anyone relate to that? If so, just click Like.
STOP PRESS – some minimal posting has resumed. Especially my new Freedom of Preach chatty video series.
She gave up her cheese!
I loved meeting a lady called Toshi while I was up in Sydney (photo below). She told me she gave up cheese after hearing my song “Couldn’t Give Up My Cheese” at the 2015 Sydney Vegan Expo. She’s now a fully-awakened vegan! Its moments like these that give me some hope. Thanks Toshi!!